Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my brain

 I have long thought that my mind works differently from the rest of the people living on this planet. The longer I live the more positive I am that I am right. Sometimes I feel like I can see things that no one else can see, but when it comes to the way my mind categorizes things that is when I know my mind is wired differently.

I have heard a lot about a person being able to train himself to write well, or learning a difficult instrument when that person had no previous talent. Someone who is educationally backwards can, with hard work and diligence, be able to reach the top of their class. I hear these inspirational stories and the main theme I hear is putting in the work, reading voraciously to understand something that you have struggled to understand, practicing and getting insight from others to help improve your practice.

These are all things that I know I don't take the time to do when I am come upon something that makes no sense to me at all.

I don't want the difficult things in my life to overcome me, I want to be the one who overcomes.
But how do I get past my own laziness and weak ambition?

By being the best Christian I can.

By being diligent in reading my Bible everyday. By seeking God all throughout my day when I am struggling with life and need His wisdom and strength to carry me through. When I do all of these things consistently I notice the difference. I find things so much easier to accomplish when I know exactly what I am doing. I will do a better job when I know what I am doing.

Because I know that God wants my best, I know that when I ask for Him to give me understanding He will.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Popping in real quick!

I am alive, and I do plan on utilizing this form of communication more often. Things have just been busy since Christmas and the beginning of a new semester, but I think I can start a more steady flow of posts now. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next post.
