Monday, February 13, 2012

Coming home to Ruthann

When I left work tonight, I managed to put my foot where it did not belong. I slipped on the snow, and landed, ladylike I hope, on my left side. A few bruises, plus a lovely scrape on a third of my left hand was all the experience gave me. I walked to my car carefully.

About halfway home, a strange light appeared on my dashboard. Apparently, the fluid levels in the radiator were low, but a quick call to my Dad confirmed my disbelief that I would be unable to make it safely the rest of the way home. (Try to make sense of that sentence :)

Did I mention that I have come down with a beautiful cold that has plagued me for about five days? I would have loved to have stayed home and slept, but my neglected job was calling to me.

When I finally did arrive home, I went to clean my injured hand, put ointment on it (why does medicine have to hurt?), and lastly a bandage or two to last me through the night. As I finished up, I heard a tiny little person talking to herself. I went to investigate. Mind you, she was not crying, just talking.

When I looked over the side of her crib,  her eyes lit up, and she smiled. Well, I just smiled back. We just smiled at each other for a few seconds.

Then she did start to cry. She was just fine talking to herself when no one was around, but as soon as someone was available to give attention, of course that attention belonged to her alone.

So I picked her up, talked with her a bit. It was not a long conversation.

My hand hurt a little when I picked her up, but I ignored the pain. I also conveniently forgot that I had been avoiding contact with her because of my illness.

Sometimes, when there is a baby in the house....You just have to hold them. And forget about everything that could possibly be wrong.

Medicine that does not hurt...

My little sister, Ruthann-5 months

1 comment:

  1. Your post brings to mind a comment once made to me by my fellow language student while I was serving in Albania. I cannot remember what we were talking about or the exact words, but the idea from the conversation has been in mind and is recalled from time to time. The idea is how gentle God is with us. Like you and that little 5 month old. Even when stinging medicine may be needed, there is a gentleness and kindness in all He does. He is ever loving and good.

    Thanks for sharing, Racheleah.
