Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Change is coming.

It has been way too long.

I can't say that I have had many exciting things to post about, which I would use as an excuse. But the real reason may have been that something needed to change.

A Change in my walk with God.

A Change in how I interact with the people around me.

A Change in my current outlook on life and the world in general.

I don't quite have the progress or even words to fully explain what is just starting. One thing I know; there is a need for change in my life, and the first part of that is putting it out there for others to know. ~Accountability.

Some of the topics that I would like to elaborate on are...

1. I opened a Facebook account a couple of months ago. (Why, How did reality meet up with expectations, how has it changed how I interact with people, and how long will I keep it up?)

2.  A more recent realization/awareness of my walk with God. My walk with God will have the greatest impact on others, more so than any ministries or services that I could complete. Every physical/earth bound thing I accomplish will have no merit if the life I live behind closed doors does not match it.

3. ...I literally had 4 or 5 topics on the tip of my brain a couple of sentences ago, and now they are lost. : P (But not forever...)

I did have fun giving a couple of friends a scare with a recent post on Facebook. Here it is. Verbatim.

I had an accident on the way to work last Thursday evening.

My car came out fine but the other guy was mortally injured. He was on feet, trying to cross the road during post rush hour. Plus, it was dark out and he was not wearing any reflective clothing.

My condolences go out to his relatives; but I hope they learn from his mistake.

R.I.P Mr. Racoon

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